🗣 Say it louder for the folks in the back! 🗣

July 06, 2021

🗣 Say it louder for the folks in the back! 🗣

😱 The problem is that some of us (I’ve been there too), don’t do anything about pain until it shows up in the body. But the pain has been there all along, residing in our emotions.

👊🏽 Pain doesn’t just happen (not even when it’s caused by accidents). Pain rumbles under the surface, residing in our emotional spaces. When we’ve ignored, suppressed, avoided, or truly have been ignorant to the emotional signs of imbalance (and what they lead to), then the pain has no choice but to show us in the most obvious way that we’ve got shit to deal with.

💯 You spend enough time sitting with emotional discontent or trauma of some kind and not healthily processing or releasing it, then pain, illness, and disease are damn near inevitable. It doesn’t take much time for an acute situation to turn chronic then cascade into other health problems.

🕰 Since the pain took time to manifest in the body, it’s going to take time to heal too. Be hopeful. Be optimistic. Be persistent and consistent with your healing regimen.

💞 Be patient, self-forgiving, and compassionate. And most importantly, do the emotional work alongside the physical work, so that when you feel better in your body, the pain doesn’t find a new way to express itself. 

🤦🏽‍♀️ I thought I was doing great when I changed my diet and started practicing yoga. But the truth of the matter is that it wasn’t until I faced my trauma and emotional wounds that all the chronic pain in my body went away (and has hasn’t returned). I feel younger and healthier at 39 than I did at 27.

👩🏽‍🏫 If you want 2021 to be your year to put pain down, then register for my free Herbal Medicine Masterclass. Tomorrow at 1:00pm easter, I’ll share how I got rid of chronic pain, healed trauma, and ditched dependence on drugs with herbal medicine and thee CALYPSO Healing Method™️. 

🙅🏽‍♀️ Why don’t you just tell us which herbs are good for my ailments, Selima? Because plants without a process for healing, doesn’t work. Been there, got the mug #fail. You can’t simply sip tea and expect all the problems to go away, you have to do the inner work too.

Mark your calendars and join me on this Masterclass where you’ll learn:⁠

✅ The simple, step-by-step holistic process I used to get rid of chronic pain, heal trauma, and ditch dependence on drugs⁠
✅ How to take herbal medicine the right way, so you stop trying to pop plants like you’ve been poppin’ pills⁠
✅ How herbs improve your health and why they are more powerful than drugs⁠
✅ How to choose your plants like you’d choose your partner and find the herbs that are a perfect match for you, your body, constitution, condition, and personality (they are NOT one-size-fits-all)⁠
✅ How to identify, address, and release the emotional root cause of physical pains, so they go away for good (cuz' sippin' tea isn't enough)⁠

This Masterclass is perfect for you if:⁠
📍You’ve been struggling to get the root of your pain⁠
📍You’ve been failed by Western medicine and Big Pharma⁠
📍You’ve been trying all sorts of herbs with hit-or-miss success⁠
📍 You want to learn and gain the confidence to help your community and/or enhance your own holistic endeavor⁠

Even if you can’t watch live, sign up so you can get the replay.

Register here --> https://www.iwillaremedy.com/herbal-medicine-masterclass-webinar.

Love y’all!

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