7- Day End-of-Decade Declutter Challenge

December 24, 2019

7- Day End-of-Decade Declutter Challenge

declutter challenge image

We’re big believers of de-cluttering as a spiritual self-care tool.

One of the first questions I ask in my consultation process is, do you keep a clean and clutter-free home? And it ain’t cuz I’m judging, it’s because the answer to this question gives me so much insight into a person’s experience, their frame of mind and their energy.

Clutter holds your energy. Everything that you have in your space, whether you use it every day or haven’t seen it in 10 years, has your energetic imprint.

Think about that…what are things that you know are inside of your home that you haven’t looked at, much less used in this past decade? Whether you use them or not, you’re still tethered to them.

There are inevitably items in your home that you don’t love, don’t use, don’t need, or can’t even find. You might have some money lying around! Your true abundance and prosperity could be tied up in your clutter.

Clutter is congestion. Think about congestion, whether it is in traffic or your sinuses, congestion stops flow, stops breath, stops movement. When our fluids in the body are congested, toxicity builds up, which leads to more health problems.

When we have clutter in our homes, it’s the same thing: stagnation. Congestion on the outside is a reflection of congestion on the inside.

So with 7 days left in this year and decade, let’s do this De-Clutter Challenge, where every day, we go into a space and clear it out. We’re opening up the energy, we’re allowing movement and flow again. Most importantly, when we keep a clean a clutter-free home, we invite in new energy, clarity, and the messages that Spirit has for us are able to come TO us!

We go through a big de-cluttering twice a year, so I’m already on it. We have 4 bags of clothes in the garage that are ready for donation. I already started clearing my inbox and going through my phone to backup and delete photos and videos that were taking up too much space and slowing me down.

Get started on your decluttering and keep us posted on how it goes on IG. You can download and print this flyer here

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