8 Tips For Effective Communication In A Relationship

August 03, 2022

8 Tips For Effective Communication In A Relationship

Life is full of difficult conversations, but hard talks are so easy to avoid. We delay them to our detriment, though. The internal tension caused by repressing our truth makes us feel invisible at best. And when we’re not seen, we hurt, on the inside and out.  

Believe or not Tami and I used to argue every week. It wreaked havoc on my digestive system and it distracted her from doing the things that helped her maintain balance. The future of our relationship depended on us creating a safe space for conflict and finding healthy ways to share and disagree.

In this video, we share our 8 best recommendations to help you become a better communicator in all of your relationships. These communication habits have personally helped us argue less, clarify our language, feel safe being vulnerable and get our point across without diminishing the other person’s perspective. And, because we’re respectfully saying what we mean and truly listening to the other person, we don’t feel emotionally pent up. 

If you need help speaking your truth and receiving the truths of others, then check out our short video. And if these tips help you become a better communicator, be sure to share it with your loved ones.

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