Aquarius Season Self-Care | An Astro-Herbal Workshop REPLAY

February 06, 2021

Aquarius Season Self-Care | An Astro-Herbal Workshop REPLAY

Aquarius knows everything right? Ha! That’s what y’all think, at least! The conviction that Aquarius energy has is both a gift and a curse. Through a magically intuitively-logical way you understand systemic dysfunction and you’re able to see the path that leads us toward our solutions before most are even aware that we have a problem.

But because you see what others don’t, your ideas come across as radical and impossible. You want others to understand something they haven’t begun to perceive. Don’t stop and don’t try to make people see things your way. You build it and they will come.

It’s because of Aquarius energy that we have change. Future-oriented and practical with a huge helping of weird, Aquarius shines at being different and being misunderstood. Frustration builds when you try to get others to go along with what you think and seek agreement from the masses. Aquarius earns its “I know” badge when it stops seeking approval, fully accepts itself, and creates its contributions. Until then, you just sound like a know-it-all with nothing to back it up. Earn your knowing by building the solutions the masses need, not by needing their permission.

Aquarius is inside all of us, so whether you’re an Aquarius sun, moon, rising or have many or no planets in Aquarius, this energy is still in you. Join me to learn how Aquarius’s energy shows up in your personality, your relationships, your health, and your soul’s journey.

This virtual, self-care astro-herbal workshop will be hosted by Clinical Herbalist, Medical Astrologer and Spiritual Teacher, Selima Harleston Lust.

In this workshop, you’ll learn:

♒️ Aquarius through the 12 houses, so you can know where you can bring the change

♒️ How to use Aquarius’s masterful energy for the enhancement of collective consciousness

♒️ Self-care practices for Aquarius, so you learn how to stay grounded and deliberate while you plan your takeover

♒️ Which planetary transits to keep your eye on in 2021

♒️ How Aquarius shows up in the physical body and how to use herbal medicine and mindfulness to mitigate Aquarius related health problems and illnesses

♒️ Craft Aquarius affirmations and set intentions

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