DIY Herbal Syrup

October 05, 2017

DIY Herbal Syrup with nourishing, tonic herbs for the whole body

An herbal syrup is a very delicious and quick way to take or administer herbal medicine when you don’t have time to make daily tea or when the herbs are bitter and unpleasant tasting. Syrups are especially good for children or any one who will reject unpalatable medicine, despite its benefits.

Syrups also have a long shelf life, so you can make six month's worth of medicine in an hour! The medicine was made right on time as Tami and I returned from traveling this weekend, feeling depleted with scratchy throats and a developing cough. Three tablespoons a day and we’re already feeling much better!

For this syrup I chose herbs that were tonics, nourishing and cleansing to the body. A few (not all) of the many medicinal benefits of the herbs I’ve used in this blend are included in the recipe below. I’m excited to share the recipe with you because you can easily make it too and save yourself some money and time when sickness arises.

Make the medicine when you’re well and you’ll have it when you need to feel better.


  • 4 Cups Water
  • ½ Cup Brandy (preservative)
  • 4 TBLS Raw Honey (preservative, relieves dryness and pain in throat)
  • 4 TBLS Nettle (highly nutritive, anti-inflammatory, kidney, blood and liver ally)
  • 3 TBLS Red Raspberry (reproductive system tonic)
  • 2 TBLS Mullein (relieves lung and bronchial congestion)
  • 2 TBLS Chamomile (nervine, digestive, antihistamine)
  • 1.5 TBLS Schizandra Berries (liver restorative)
  • 1 TBLS Hawthorn Berries (cardiovascular tonic)
  • 1 TBLS Elder Berry (antiviral, treats colds, flu and coughs)
  • 1 Cinnamon Stick (antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral)
  • 7 Cloves (painkiller, warming, carminative)


  1. Measure and add Schizandra, Hawthorn, Elder, Cinnamon and Cloves to a 4-quart saucepan.
  2. Pour water into saucepan and bring to a boil.
  3. Once boiling, reduce heat and let simmer for 45 minutes or until liquid has reduced to approximately 2 cups.
  4. Remove from heat.
  5. Mix in remaining herbs into saucepan.
  6. Cover and let stand until liquid and herbs are room temperature. Overnight is preferable to ensure that all of the medicine has been extracted from the herbs.
  7. Once cool. Strain herbs using cheesecloth or coffee press.
  8. Pour liquid back into the pot.
  9. Stir in honey and sugar. Warm the liquid on low heat if necessary to dissolve the sweeteners, but be sure to keep the temperate under 100 degrees to retain active enzymes in the honey.
  10. Stir in Brandy.
  11. Remove from heat and bottle.
  12. Enjoy!

Other herbs that are great in syrups are: blackberry fruit, black cohosh, burdock, cayenne, comfrey root, dandelion root and leaf, echinacea, fennel, ginger, marshmallow, peppermint, plantain, St. John’s Wort, uva ursi, valerian and yellow dock.

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