Follow the Breadcrumbs: How Plants Can Guide You From Trauma to Joy

October 05, 2022

Follow the Breadcrumbs: How Plants Can Guide You From Trauma to Joy

Ok, so it's not my TED Talk yet 😉 but it's pretty darn close! If you missed my session during the Evolutionary Plant Medicine Summit, I got you!

Here's the recording of my talk - Follow the Breadcrumbs: How Plants Can Guide You From Trauma to Joy. I'm really proud of myself for this talk because I was able to capture and express clearer than ever before the process of healing trauma with plant medicine. 

Each step of the way as you are healing with plant medicine, you're invited through a new door revealing another possibility. In this talk, I discuss how plants support you in deepening your awareness and elevating your consciousness, so that you actually heal, return to yourself as home, and reclaim that joy you had when you were born.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • Three ways to work with plants to support your physical wellbeing
  • How working with plants help you feel safe, connected, and restore meaning to your life
  • How you can heal from any trauma

With all of my heart, I really hope you watch this video and receive the message, the medicine, and the magic within it.

Selima and Tami

    This interview is part of the 
    Evolutionary Plant Medicine Summit a free online event. For more information, please visit This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved.


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