Frustrated Much? 5 reasons to embrace it

March 22, 2022

Frustrated Much? 5 reasons to embrace it

You can’t live a life without it. However, the degree of pain you feel within frustrating situations can be lessened by changing your perspective

This is exactly what I had to do at the top of February when there were 3 back-to-back fires to put out. 

Someone is impersonating me on Instagram and so far reaching out to Facebook/Meta to do something about it is fruitless. We also had 2 other business related situations that sent my energy up, my eye twitching, and my shoulders heavy from the burden (my initial response). The 5 steps I share in a bit below are exactly what I did to process my frustration, so keep reading.

One of the insights I had about everything that was going on was that frustration in and of itself can be perceived as supportive

It signals a need to shift and we can use frustration as a catalyst for change - to let it fuel our creativity, inspire us to innovate in our lives, and push us toward solution-oriented thinking. 

Frustration can also give us the permission we need to shift in ways we have craved, yet have feared the response. At some point you let go of caring about what other people will think.

So here’s how we can embrace frustration:

1. Acknowledge it. Notice where you experience the most frustration in your life. If it’s in multiple areas, look for the common thread. An example: frustration at work because your boss micromanages you coupled with frustration at home because your partner doesn’t listen. If you only try to change job and change partner, you’ll be met with the same circumstances showing up with different people. But if you take stock of your part in the dynamics and see that you don’t speak up, own your voice, or hold onto your convictions and start working on yourself to change THOSE wounds, then the relationships will change.

2. Tantrum. Yep, get it out. Releasing the emotion as it arises is better than letting it fester. Just don’t stay there too long. Your thoughts generate your feelings and your general emotional state is what makes up your vibration. What you vibrate is what the universe delivers, so the longer you rehash and rehearse your frustrating circumstances, the more you instruct the universe to deliver more frustration to you.

3. See your progress. You are in a new place and this new place isn’t the last place. Maybe consider frustration like a plateau on a mountain. What once started off as the goal, became a rest stop, and now you’ve turned it into 5 star accommodations. Look down, celebrate yourself for how far you’ve come and recognize that frustration could be an indication that you’ve gotten too comfortable here. You’ve stopped moving and frustration swept in to invite you pack up and get going. 

4. Ask new questions. Frustration can point us in the direction of learning new skills, dropping unfruitful habits, letting go of stale resentments, and so much more. Reviewing how you got to this point is helpful to the degree that you use the past experience as data that helps you make different, more aligned decisions going forward. Don’t use the data to stew, throw blame, or justify feelings of shame, fear, or guilt. Remember your vibration. Use the data to ask questions that support you taking your next right step. Questions I had to ask myself last month were: what new skill do I need to learn in order to do this? Who can teach me (because figuring it out my own without a guide is the hard way.) What new weekly actions do I need to implement in order to be successful?

5. Embrace your next step. You have to move forward into something. It doesn’t have to be a huge leap, it can be a small step, but you do have to move otherwise the frustration intensifies. As frustration builds it’s like our spirit yells louder, urging us to shed embodiments we’ve outgrown, yet we (the ego/personality part of us) are resisting. The crab doesn’t complain or beat itself up because it has to find a new shell, it recognizes the squeeze and starts looking for a new home.

Frustration can’t be avoided. It provides clarity that you aren’t satisfied. Many people, however, say that they aren’t ready to make the changes they know they need to make in order to improve their lives. But the more frustration you experience, the worse you feel. 

Leaning into the path your soul has paved is better than resisting and lingering where you are. It only gets more uncomfortable here.

In a culture that celebrates hardship and grinding, it is damn near revolutionary to choose the path of ease. Be the weirdo who chooses to shift at the first sign of frustration instead of waiting until the situation becomes dire. 

With joy,

P.S. Are you registered for the Free Herbal Medicine Masterclass? I’ll teach you how I got out of chronic pain, healed trauma, and ditched dependence on drugs with herbal medicine and the CALYPSO Healing Method™. It’s lit 🔥 and free! 

On it, you’ll learn:

✅ The simple, step-by-step holistic process I used to get rid of chronic pain, heal trauma, and ditch dependence on drugs

✅ How to take herbal medicine the right way, so you stop trying to pop plants like you’ve been poppin’ pills⁠

✅ How herbs improve your health and why they are more powerful than drugs⁠

✅ How to choose your plants like you’d choose your partner and find the herbs that are a perfect match for you, your body, constitution, condition, and personality (they are NOT one-size-fits-all)⁠

✅ How to identify, address, and release the emotional root cause of physical pains, so they go away for good (cuz' sippin' tea isn't enough)⁠

This Masterclass is perfect for you if:⁠

📍You’ve been struggling to get the root of your pain⁠

📍You’ve been failed by Western medicine and Big Pharma⁠

📍You’ve been trying all sorts of herbs with hit-or-miss success⁠

📍 You want to learn and gain the confidence to help your community and/or enhance your own holistic endeavor⁠

Even if you can’t watch live, sign up so you can get the replay.

Register here -->

This is how I turned my health around, reclaimed my power and my joy and became a beacon of light to help my clients improve their lives as well.


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