Healer's...It's Not Your Fault

June 29, 2022

Healer's...It's Not Your Fault

If you work in the healing arts seeing clients, sometimes you can feel like the people you’re working with aren’t making “enough” progress. Then that makes you wonder if you’re making a positive impact and doing a good job.

As a healer, we play pivotal roles in the journeys of the folks we work with, but sometimes it can be hard for us to trust our work when we don’t hear from a client again. How do we reconcile that?

In this video, I share a personal story from my 40th birthday trip to Sedona that was an excellent metaphor for the work we do as healers. I share advice on how to process when a client quits, takes too long, or returns to their old habits. Because, let’s face it, these things do happen, but it doesn’t mean that your work together wasn’t meaningful.

Click here to watch the video.

With love,

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