As an Herbalist, What Should You Do? | Herbalism - Roe v. Wade

May 10, 2022

Beautiful Black Woman Herbalism Roe v Wade

Herbalism - Roe v. Wade

Herbalism has always been connected to abortion. Before we had safe abortion procedures and safe medication abortion, people used plants and a whole host of other methods for their reproductive care. Before Roe v. Wade and forever in our future herbalists, by necessity will be apart of this conversation. Neither the fluctuations of politics nor people's personal views will change the fact that abortions will always happen. Overturning Roe v. Wade makes them far less accessible and therefore far more dangerous. 

So as an herbalist or healer, what's your role? What's your responsibility? What will you do when someone asks to be cared for in this way? Will you be prepared and equipped to provide them with safe and correct information, guidance, and resources? I have been asked and fully expect to be asked again.

All of the medicine I've ever made...every tea, tincture, smoke, workshop, program, social media post, and letter like this has an origin story of love and care, rooted in helping fill a need. Because this is the calling, this is the work. We've all been tapped in some way with gifts, desires, and visions. When we accept and develop them, we're able to provide solutions. We're able to be a light for someone else. When we see people who need help, we rise.

Abortion aside, there will always be an issue we're fighting for, my larger call-to-action for all of us is to work securely in the center of our purposes. I explain more in this short video.  

With love,

Beautiful Black Woman Herbalism Roe v Wade


Rest Tincture | Peaceful Day and Clearer Mind
Magical Mind Smoke Blend | Mind Calming
Tincture bottle Herbalism Roe v Wade
Herbs in Bowl Herbalism Roe v Wade

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