Introducing The Path of Possibility

July 23, 2023

Introducing The Path of Possibility
Hey fam!

Right now, I’m in beautiful upstate New York, on a farm, savoring fresh food, reconnecting with familiar plants, meeting new plantcestors, and discovering green allies I’ve only read about in books.

While I miss Tami and Niles terribly (we’ve never been apart this long), I’m taking this time to think about what lights me up the most: supporting your wellness journey.

Life teaches us quickly that it’s full of ups and downs. No lie, the past few months for us have been rocky. Each week there was a new setback that forced us to develop patience. The wheel of time brings fortune and loss, calm and chaos.

When we’re not “winning” it’s hard to discern if we’re progressing. When we’re not happy with our circumstances and the injustices we see all around us, can we find peace? Even when your health isn’t good, can you find relief long enough to reach for what you need?

I’ve had the honor and joy of teaching thousands about plant medicine and supporting hundreds privately on their healing journey. Through it all, I’ve noticed pervasive myths and beliefs that hinder people from thriving.

Keeping it real: plant medicine, a healthy diet, regular movement all work, but their power is either propelled or limited by your beliefs and emotional adaptability.

Healing is not just about aiming to feel good physically, it’s about what you can do when you’re well. I speak from experience: preventable pain, illness, and disease are the biggest robbers of your energy, attention, time, money, and motivation.

Imagine the capacity and resources you’ll have when you feel well. Be it your family, your personal aspirations, passions, or career goals, you’ll be able to focus on what fulfills you. You’ll literally be able to make your dreams come true because you’ve solved the health problem. You’ve discovered what you need to feel healthy-for-you without experiencing extreme states of illness.

I want to debunk these hindering ideas with you over the next several days in a series I’m calling, The Path of Possibility.

Our society has sensationalized illness to the point where it’s expected. Just because disease is common doesn’t mean it’s necessary. You don’t have to succumb to fatal diseases, chronically suffer, or depend on side-effect ridden medications for preventable and reversible conditions.

There’s more.

Walk with us this week on The Path of Possibility. We’re going to crush beliefs that hinder healing, traverse down wellness roads less travelled, and discover plant friends that help us reclaim the truth of our limitless vitality.

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s first stop on The Path of Possibility!

With joy,
Selima, Tami (& Niles)

P.S. Enrollment for Herbal Medicine for the Soul is open now through July 31st. This will be your only opportunity to join until we reopen enrollment again. There's a discount code here that helps keep coins in your pocket. We’ve got you!

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