Marketing Tips for Herbalists Pt 2

May 10, 2023

Marketing Tips for Herbalists Pt 2

In addition to herbalism and all things healing I love talking about business! I’m always inspired by the ideas people bring to life and I cheerleader hard for you to succeed.

At the heart of that success though is marketing, an area spiritual entrepreneurs struggle with because they don’t know how. Meaning they don’t know the principles or the tactics and therefore don’t understand the importance of it.

And they don’t feel comfortable being in the spotlight or asking for the sale. All of this makes it incredibly difficult to share your necessary gifts with the world and you be financially sustained in doing so.

Let’s fix that. Marketing can be fun when it’s reframed as your platform and opportunity to share what you love and how it’s changed your life for the better.

I posted on IG the following question: "Can you tell me about your marketing challenges, please?" Several questions came in so in rapid-fire fashion, I’m answering each question in this video.

Here's what this video covers:
🟪 Free resources to help you develop a full marketing plan for business
🟪 Staying consistent with social media posting
🟪 3 keys to successful messaging
🟪 FDA labeling regulations and how to stay compliant
🟪 Healing trauma around being seen and rewriting your scarcity records
🟪 What to do when you've exhausted your current marketing strategy
🟪 How to write content that's relevant, educational and engaging

No matter where you are your business journey, you'll hear gems in this video that will help you move to your next level.

With joy,
Selima & Tami

P.S. Interested in 1:1 Marketing Mentorship? Send us an email and let's chat about your business!

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