Self-Talk That's Hindering Instead of Helping

September 07, 2022

Self-Talk That's Hindering Instead of Helping

Healing is not a buffet, full of options where you decide what to do or not do based on your appetite, budget, and cravings. Healing requires the same changes and commitments from all of us, equally. It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to reverse a diagnosis, break free from a failed relationship, or release unwanted weight. Heck, you could be working on reaching a professional goal, and you’d still be required to do the same things. 

If you’ve been experiencing setbacks on your healing journey, then this is a must watch lesson is for you. You’re probably taking the herbs, meditating, moving, and handling your trauma, but if you hold any of the negative beliefs I talk about in this video, then I guarantee, it’s your stinkin’ thinkin’ that’s holding you back. 

Your mind is your most powerful medicine. If you don’t change your beliefs, you will not transform your life. Your mindset determines your progress, your success, and your suffering. Watch this short video and take note of which beliefs you hold and listen in for how you can reframe them or, even better…just stop thinking them.

With love,
Selima & Tami  

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