Set Healthy Boundaries

June 08, 2022

Set Healthy Boundaries

Navigating boundaries is work we’ll be doing our whole lives. Sometimes our boundaries are well-defined and easily communicated and at other times, they’re too weak or even too rigid (yes, that’s a thing). 

Boundaries fluctuate because life happens, circumstances change, and our emotional and mental capacity shifts. It takes courage to renegotiate boundaries with people we share history. It takes practice to communicate our boundaries and it takes patience to re-educate people when our boundaries have changed. 

If you struggle with setting and maintaining healthy boundaries with people, then our next video is a must-watch. Tami and I have very different boundaries, just like you probably do with the folks you’re in community with. It's natural. Despite what we all wish was the case, boundaries aren’t universal. We have to establish, communicate, enforce, and adjust them all the time.

Some relationship boundaries come easier than others, so in this video, we break down the following:

 Definitions of boundaries for you to reflect on

► Distinguish between internal and external boundaries

► Talk about why setting boundaries is important and the pain it causes us when we don't

► The 4 challenges that make boundaries are hard 

 6 tips and practices, and 7 prompts on how to verbally express them

Click here to watch and if you know someone who struggles with their boundaries, please share our video with them! 

With joy,

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