Mindful Weightloss

June 22, 2022

Mindful Weightloss

If losing weight was all about diet and exercise, then the weight loss industry wouldn’t be worth over $2.8 billion. They know how to poke those insecurities, so people throw money at their fad diets, detoxes, and workouts.

Let’s face it, weight is complicated, it’s more than just the number on the scale. Because of our society’s impossible and discriminatory beauty standards, we’re taught to believe that weight is tied to worth. So we’ll do anything (or nothing at all) to transform our bodies as fast as possible. Fast though, rarely equates sustainable.

When you want to change your weight you must ask yourself why, look at yourself in the mirror, and be radically honest with your answers. Changing weight is never just about the number or looking good enough to others. It’s about the internal work: feeling good, being seen, and being in right relationship with yourself (aka knowing your worth). When you’re comfortable with who are, where you are on your journey, and secure in how you feel inside, then the behavioral changes you may need to make to reach your ideal weight come with ease.

This internal mindset work is paramount. In this video, Tami takes you behind the curtain of her two distinct journeys – her weight loss journey and her weight release journey (big difference between the two). She tells you about the gut-wrenching moment that forced her to be honest with herself, the revelation she had about the cycle she was in, what she had to do physically, and how she had to change her relationship with food. More importantly, she shares the mindset that helped her change her relationship with herself.

Click here to watch the video. If you think someone in your circle needs to hear Tami’s story, please share our video with them.

With joy,

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