You Got YOU Twisted!

November 05, 2019

You Got YOU Twisted!

In life, our choices have a ripple effect that extends far beyond what we can ever imagine.

At 27 years old I chose to heal. I chose the path of herbalism to help me get out of chronic pain, ditch my then dependence on drugs, and face my childhood trauma. Ten years ago I chose me.

Today, I’m teaching others how to do the same. My students inside Herbal Medicine for the Soul are rockin’ in and changing their lives by:
• using herbs daily to improve their health
• learning their constitutional make-up and tendencies
• understanding why pain shows up in their specific bodies
• incorporating the spiritual practices into their self-care routines
• embodying self-love, self-forgiveness, and self-compassion
• eliminating pharmaceuticals one-by-one
• starting their own holistic businesses

I never could have predicted that my choices back in 2009 would lead to this. Because I said yes, other people are changing their lives for the better.

I share my story only to say that YOU MATTER. And yes, I am cyber-yelling at you. 😘

Our choices don’t stop at us. They affect other people too.

So the next time you think that it doesn’t matter if you launch your own business, product, podcast or blog…

The next time you convince yourself not to train for the race or do that thing you soooo want to check off your bucket list…

The next time you think you’re too old, broke, or stubborn to go back to school or learn a new skill…

And the next time you say NO to you because you think fulfilling someone else’s needs are more important…

Please remember this:

You matter. Your choices matter. Your yesses matter. As one of my virtual mentors, Allyson Byrd says, “You are an unrepeatable miracle.”

You have genius, gifts, and purpose that are ready to burst through. The only way they will rise up and change yourself and the world for the better is when you step up and say “yes.”

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