8 Subtle (but big) signs that you're healing

March 07, 2022 1 Comment

8 Subtle (but big) signs that you're healing
People will quit because they want big transformation right out the box, but rarely does that happen.
Instead, the shifts are subtle and small. But don’t dismiss subtle for insignificant.
Manifestations don’t show up on the physical first. They show up in our change in thoughts and thus change in emotional state. Once we are mental and emotionally aligned with wellbeing, THEN we see the change in our physical bodies.
You have to feel it before you can see it.
Here are 8 subtle (but big) signs that you're healing. Here's the IG reel too with me making a tea blend.
1. You’re more comfortable sitting with your thoughts
2. You’re finding more reasons to be hopeful
3. You’re engaging less in negative conversations
4. You talk about your problems less
5. Your mood is lighter
6. You laugh more
7. You’re trying new things
8. While not all of the aches and pains are gone, you notice that you do feel better in your body

1 Response

Denise McGriff
Denise McGriff

March 22, 2022

Very curious about the mixtures and there cures. Been dabbing in herbs for quite a while. Only 66 years of age and never locked it down. Feel like putting a lock on this, in the Garden and get some healing in my body as well as others.
Help me herbalist to a point where I want let go this time.
Ms. Denise in Port St. Lucie, Florida

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