Roasted Garlic Soup Recipe

January 31, 2018 1 Comment

Roasted Garlic Soup Recipe
I loooooove this soup! It is savory, creamy and smoky. You would think that adding 5 bulbs (yes bulbs, not cloves) of garlic to any recipe would be overpowering, but nope, not here. Garlic is indeed the star and pre-roasting it in the oven releases the sweetness, so she doesn't taste too pungent or biting.
I make this soup anytime anyone in the house is starting to experience the first symptoms of illness. Colds, runny nose, sore throat, post-nasal drip, upset stomach, sinus congestion, fevers, you name it and garlic can likely aid in your recovery. We even include this recipe in our 7-Day Fast & Energetic Cleanse regime as an element to aid in stimulating immune function.
Garlic is a rejuvenative herb that benefits almost every body system. I'm not going to run down the list of medicinal uses for garlic, because it's exhaustive, literally. Garlic is time and scientific-proven, ancient panacea medicine. 
garlic soup recipe image

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November 18, 2020

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